Can Dogs Eat Currants
Dogs Diet

Can Dogs Eat Currants

Hira Saleem

January 20, 2024 . 11 min read
Quick Answer:

Yes, dogs can safely eat currants, but it is important to feed them in moderation. Currants are a good source of vitamins and antioxidants, which can benefit your dog's overall health. However, eating too many currants can lead to stomach upset, so it is best to give them as a treat only.

Imagine a sunny day, a bunch of currants glistening like tiny jewels, and your pup giving you those curious, longing looks. Can dogs have a sweet bite of these little berries without any worries? That’s the fruity question we’re going to peel apart in simple terms. There are lots of vitamins and antioxidants in these tiny fruits that can be good for your pet’s health.

However, it’s crucial to remember that while currants can be a tasty and nutritious treat, they should be given in moderation.  So, grab a handful of currants, sit down with your furry buddy, and let’s explore whether these tiny treats are a safe and tasty option for your dog’s snacking pleasure.

Alpine Vs White Vs Red Vs Black Currants

The different types of currants, including alpine, white, red, and black currants, offer various flavors and nutritional profiles. Here’s a brief comparison of these currant varieties:

Alpine Currants

These currants are recognized for their distinct tartness and notably high vitamin C content. This tangy profile helps make the taste zesty, which many dogs like. Moreover, they are relatively low in calories, making them a favorable choice for dogs when administered in moderation. Alpine currants are a healthy and tasty treat for your pet friend because they are tart and full of vitamin C.

White Currants

While red and black currants are sour, white currants are sweet, which may make them more appealing to dogs. They not only provide a pleasant sweetness but also deliver a good dose of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

When giving white currants to your dog, you need to be careful about how much they eat because they are high in sugar. While safe in small quantities, their sugary nature makes them a tempting but potentially calorie-rich choice.

Red Currants

Red currants fall in between the tartness of Alpine currants and the sweetness of white currants, striking a balance that many dogs find attractive. They are healthy because they have minerals and vitamins that your body needs.

The natural tartness of red currants may also act as a limiting factor, helping to prevent overconsumption. So, if you give them to your dog in moderation, they can be a tasty and healthy addition to their diet.

Black Currants

Black currants are known for having a strong and intense taste, which makes them a unique choice among currants. They boast high levels of vitamins, antioxidants, and anthocyanins, which can offer numerous health benefits.

However, due to their potent taste and concentrated nutrients, it is advisable to offer them sparingly to dogs. Even though they can be a good addition to your dog’s diet, it’s important to watch the amount they eat because they have a strong flavor and a lot of nutrients.

Dried Vs Fresh Currants for Dogs – Which is Better for Dogs

When it comes to feeding currants to your dog, you might wonder whether dried or fresh currants are a safer option. Here are some key points to consider:

Fresh Currants

Fresh currants have a high water content, which can help dilute the concentration of harmful substances, potentially reducing the risk of toxicity.

A few fresh currants might not be as bad for you as dried ones, but it’s still not a good idea because of the risks.

Dried Currants

Dried currants, often found in cereals or baked goods, are more concentrated. This means they contain a higher level of harmful substances, making them riskier for your dog. Because they are concentrated, even a small amount of dried currants can be more dangerous for dogs.

Can Currants kill dogs

Black currants, especially the dark ones, can be harmful to dogs, posing a risk of kidney damage. These berries have chemicals in them like anthocyanins and oxalates that can make dogs sick by making them vomit, have diarrhea, or even lose their kidneys. The severity varies, and even a small amount can cause problems. It’s crucial to seek immediate vet attention if your dog has eaten currants. 

To be safe, you shouldn’t give your dog any currants at all. Instead, give them fruits that are safe for dogs. American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) both back up these facts.

Are There Any Benefits of Currants for Dogs

There are limited benefits to feeding currants to dogs. While these fruits contain some nutrients and antioxidants, the potential risks often outweigh the advantages. Here’s a breakdown:

Nutritional Content

Currants, particularly black currants, are a source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and dietary fiber. They also contain antioxidants like anthocyanins.

Limited Nutritional Impact

The nutritional value of currants for dogs is limited due to the potential toxicity. The toxins in currants can cause serious health issues, making the benefits less significant.


Antioxidants in currants may have some health benefits, but there are safer ways to provide antioxidants to your dog through a balanced diet that doesn’t carry the risks associated with currants.

Potential Dangers of Black Currants for Dogs

Feeding black currants to dogs can pose significant dangers due to their toxicity. Here’s a detailed look at these dangers, supported by facts and reputable references:

Toxicity And Its Ramifications

When we look into the scary world of black currants and similar fruits, it’s important to know that they contain chemicals that can be harmful to our dogs. The spotlight falls on a sinister player known as “Ribes,” lurking within the innocent-looking berries, capable of instigating a cascade of health issues, prominently featuring the ominous specter of kidney damage.

Gastrointestinal Distress

As a sneaky aftereffect of eating currants, stomach problems show up even after a small amount of contact. Ingesting these berries, albeit in modest quantities, may trigger a distressing symphony of symptoms in dogs—ranging from bouts of vomiting to disruptive diarrhea and the unsettling accompaniment of abdominal pain. These things not only mess up the dog’s schedule but also make them feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

The Peril of Kidney Damage

As we navigate the treacherous landscape of currant toxicity, the stakes escalate to the realm of severe consequences, particularly in the form of kidney damage. Termed as “black currant poisoning,” this condition poses a grave threat, culminating in kidney failure—a life-threatening predicament if not addressed promptly.

When left alone, the toxins in currants can set off a dangerous dance that can damage this important organ in a way that can’t be fixed. This needs to be stopped right away to avoid disaster.

How Many Currants Are Toxic To Dogs?

Currants can be dangerous for dogs even at very low doses. Even a small number of currants can pose a significant risk due to their toxicity. Here’s an answer backed up by facts and reliable sources: Currants, including black, red, white, and alpine varieties, contain substances known as anthocyanins. These compounds can be toxic to dogs in even small quantities.

A few currants have been known to cause very bad poisoning signs in dogs. Ingesting a small number of currants can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, and, in severe cases, kidney damage. There is no one “safe” amount, and the poisonous result is different for each dog.

Signs of Black Currant Toxicity in Dogs

Vomiting: Dogs may vomit after consuming currants, especially black currants.

Diarrhea: Diarrhea is another common early sign of currant toxicity.

Abdominal Pain: Dogs may exhibit signs of abdominal discomfort or pain.

Lethargy: Affected dogs may become lethargic or weak.

Dehydration: Due to vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration can occur rapidly.

Polyuria (Increased Urination): An increased urge to urinate can be an indication of kidney stress.

Polydipsia (Increased Thirst): Increased thirst often accompanies increased urination.

Kidney Failure: In severe cases, kidney failure may develop, leading to symptoms such as decreased urine output and a significant deterioration in overall health.

Safety Steps To Take If Dog Eat Too Many Currants

If your dog consumes a substantial amount of currants, especially black currants, you should take the following safety steps, supported by facts and expert guidance:

Contact a Veterinarian: Immediately get in touch with your veterinarian or an emergency animal clinic. Time is crucial, as early intervention can help mitigate the effects of current toxicity.

Induce Vomiting: Your vet may advise you to induce vomiting in your dog if the currant ingestion occurred within the last two hours. It’s a delicate procedure and should be done under professional guidance.

Fluid Therapy: To prevent dehydration and support kidney function, your veterinarian may administer intravenous fluids to your dog.

Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal may be used to help absorb any remaining toxins in your dog’s digestive system.

Monitor Kidney Function: The veterinarian will monitor your dog’s kidney function through blood tests and urinalysis. In severe cases, additional treatment may be necessary, such as dialysis.

Preventive Measures: Ensure your dog cannot access currant plants or products containing currants in the future to prevent a recurrence of toxicity.

Can Dog Have Currants in Different Forms

Can Dogs Have Black Currant Juice

Feeding black currant juice to your dog is not recommended. The concentrated nature of the juice makes it more likely to contain harmful substances like xylitol, which can be toxic to dogs. Even a small amount of black currant juice can lead to various health issues, including gastrointestinal problems and increased sugar levels.

Therefore, it’s best to avoid giving black currant juice to your dog and opt for safer beverage options like fresh water to keep your pet healthy and free from potential risks associated with certain foods and beverages.

Can Dogs Eat Blackcurrant Jam

Feeding your dog blackcurrant jam is generally not recommended. While small amounts may not immediately harm your dog, jam is typically high in sugar, which can lead to weight gain and dental problems if consumed regularly.

Also, some store-bought jams might have additives or fake sweeteners in them, like xylitol, which is bad for dogs. It’s important to check the ingredients of any jam before sharing it with your pet and ensure it does not contain harmful substances. In general, your dog’s health should eat some fresh blackcurrants instead of processed, sugary foods like jam.

Can Dogs Eat Blackcurrant Yogurt

Blackcurrant yogurt should be approached with caution when considering it for your dog. While plain, unsweetened yogurt can be a healthy treat in moderation, flavored yogurt, including blackcurrant, often contain added sugars and artificial flavors that may not be suitable for your pet. High sugar intake can lead to weight issues, dental problems, and even diabetes in dogs.

Safe Alternative to Currants for Dogs

  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Pumpkin
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Cucumber

Wrapping It Up

When it comes to feeding your dog, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential dangers and benefits of different foods. Currants, especially black currants, can be toxic to dogs and should be avoided. Because currants can cause serious side effects, it’s important to keep your dog away from them.

While currants should not be on your dog’s menu, there are safer options like blueberries that offer a range of health benefits without the risk of toxicity. As a responsible dog owner, you should always put your pet’s safety and health first by learning what foods are safe and good for them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is black currant seed oil safe for dogs?

Black currant seed oil is a concentrated form of black currants and may contain compounds that could be harmful to dogs. It’s advisable to avoid giving black currant seed oil to your dog to prevent any potential adverse effects. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements or oils to your dog’s diet.

Is black currant essential oil dangerous to dogs?

Yes, black currant essential oil can be dangerous to dogs. Essential oils are highly concentrated and can lead to toxicity when ingested, inhaled, or applied to a dog’s skin. Black currant essential oil may cause various adverse reactions, so it’s best to keep it away from your dog and seek immediate veterinary assistance if accidental exposure occurs.

Are currant bush leaves poisonous to dogs?

Yes, currant bush leaves can be poisonous to dogs, particularly in large quantities. These leaves contain compounds that can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort if ingested. It’s essential to prevent your dog from consuming currant bush leaves and to contact your veterinarian if you suspect ingestion or notice any adverse reactions.

Hira Saleem

Hira Saleem


Hira is a dedicated freelance writer specializing in health and nutrition, holding a degree in Food Science and Technology. Her expertise in the field stems from a profound commitment to promoting well-being. Inspired by her love for animals, Hira has cultivated a deep understanding of the importance of nutrition in fostering a healthy lifestyle.

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