Can Dogs Have Slurpees
Dogs Diet

Can Dogs Have Slurpees

Hira Saleem

January 17, 2024 . 6 min read
Quick Answer:

No, dogs should not drink Slurpees or any sugary, artificially flavored beverages. These drinks can be harmful to dogs due to their high sugar and artificial ingredient content, potentially leading to digestive issues and obesity. Stick to giving your dog fresh water as the best choice for hydration.

Are you pondering the idea of sharing your Slurpee with your furry friend on a hot summer day? We all want to keep our dogs cool and happy, but it’s crucial to consider what’s safe and healthy for them.

In this article, we’ll dive into the topic of whether dogs can indulge in this frosty, sweet treat. Let’s talk about what to do and not do when you’re trying to quench your dog’s thirst outside.

Are Slurpees Safe for Dogs to Drink?

Many pet owners may ponder the idea of sharing a Slurpee with their four-legged friends, especially on sweltering days. However, the verdict is a resounding “no.” Slurpees, the sweet and frosty treats from convenience stores, pose inherent risks to dogs, and here’s why:

Sugar Content

Slurpees are notorious for their excessive sugar content, which can contribute to a multitude of health issues in dogs. Too much sugar in the food we give our dogs can make them fat and cause teeth problems. In fact, some Slurpee flavors contain well over 60 grams of sugar in a single serving, as reported by 7-Eleven.

Xylitol Danger

The danger intensifies with the potential presence of the artificial sweetener xylitol in some Slurpee varieties, which is incredibly toxic to dogs. A sudden drop in blood sugar levels is one of the life-threatening effects of even very small amounts of xylitol. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) explicitly warns pet owners about the severe risks associated with xylitol.

Brain Freeze

Brain freeze can happen to dogs, just like it can happen to people when they drink cold drinks quickly. While this sensation is not life-threatening, it’s best to avoid causing unnecessary discomfort to your beloved pet.

Even though it might be fun to share a tasty treat with your dog, it’s important to put their health first. Offering an occasional lick of ice or ice chips can be a safe way to help your dog cool down without exposing them to the health risks posed by Slurpees and their ingredients.

Ingredients in Slurpees Harmful to Dogs

  • High Sugar Content
  • Artificial Flavors
  • Caffeine
  • Xylitol
  • Citrus
  • Dairy
  • Alcohol

Dangers of Giving Dogs Slurpees

The risks that come with giving dogs There is a lot of information and advice from trustworthy sources that backs up Slurpees. These concerns extend to a variety of aspects, emphasizing the importance of understanding the potential risks:

Sugar-Induced Problems

Slurpees are tasty, but they have a lot of sugar, which is bad for dogs’ health. In fact, some of these frosty beverages contain more sugar than a dog should consume in days. Such elevated sugar intake can lead to a host of issues, including obesity and an increased susceptibility to diabetes in dogs.

More than 100 million dogs and cats in the US are overweight, mostly because they eat bad food, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

Toxic Xylitol

A particularly alarming aspect is the presence of xylitol in some Slurpee flavors, a sugar substitute renowned for its extreme toxicity to dogs. Even minuscule amounts of xylitol can trigger life-threatening hypoglycemia and inflict irreversible liver damage. The Pet Poison Helpline says that xylitol is a common way for dogs to get poisoned, so owners should be careful.

Artificial Additives

Slurpees often incorporate artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives that offer no nutritional benefits for dogs. These additives, in fact, have been known to provoke allergic reactions in dogs, as cautioned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Brain Freeze Discomfort

While not life-threatening, the rapid consumption of icy Slurpees can bring about the uncomfortable phenomenon of brain freeze in dogs. This can result in distress and unwarranted stress for our furry companions, making it a good reason to refrain from subjecting them to such discomfort.

Hydration Neglect

The pivotal importance of water in a dog’s diet cannot be overstated. Slurpees, while tempting, are far from an adequate source of hydration. In fact, offering Slurpees as a means of hydration can ultimately lead to dehydration due to the inadequate intake of fresh water.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, more than 55% of dogs in the US are overweight. This is mostly because they eat poorly and don’t get enough water.

Dental Problems

The high sugar content in Slurpees can significantly contribute to dental problems in dogs, including tooth decay and gum disease. The American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) places immense emphasis on the importance of dental health in dogs and the perils of sugary, acidic, and potentially damaging treats.

What to Do if Dog Drinks Too Much Slurpees?

If your dog consumes an excessive amount of Slurpees, it’s crucial to take immediate action. The high amount of sugar and the possible presence of harmful xylitol can cause serious health problems. Contact your veterinarian or an emergency animal poison control hotline right away. 

For example, the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-800-213-6680 can provide expert guidance. Be prepared to share details about the Slurpee flavor, the quantity ingested, and your dog’s size and weight. You need to move quickly to protect your pet’s health and reduce the risk of harm.

Better Drink Alternatives for Dogs Than Slurpees

  • Water
  • Ice Water
  • Puppy Ice Cream
  • Homemade Popsicles
  • Diluted Chicken or Beef Broth
  • Coconut Water
  • Fruit-Infused Water
  • Cucumber Water

Key Takeaways

In the world of dogs and Slurpees, the key takeaways are clear. Slurpees are bad for your pet because they are high in sugar and chemicals like xylitol that could be harmful. Instead, prioritize their well-being with fresh water, specialized canine drinks, ice chips, or homemade popsicles.

For health concerns like obesity, xylitol toxicity, and dental problems, choosing safe alternatives is vital. Responsible pet ownership involves informed decisions about your dog’s nutrition and hydration. Always get advice from reliable sources and your vet to make sure the health of your pet stays a top concern.

Hira Saleem

Hira Saleem


Hira is a dedicated freelance writer specializing in health and nutrition, holding a degree in Food Science and Technology. Her expertise in the field stems from a profound commitment to promoting well-being. Inspired by her love for animals, Hira has cultivated a deep understanding of the importance of nutrition in fostering a healthy lifestyle.

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