Can Dogs Eat Flounder
Dogs Diet

Can Dogs Eat Flounder

Hira Saleem

January 24, 2024 . 11 min read
Quick Answer:

Yes, dogs can eat flounder. Flounder offers a healthy dose of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. However, it's essential to serve boneless, plain, and fully cooked flounder to ensure your dog's safety.

First, make sure the fish doesn’t have any bones in it. Fish bones can be dangerous if swallowed. Secondly, cook the flounder thoroughly, avoiding any seasoning, spices, or additives that might be harmful to dogs.

When cooked correctly and in small amounts, flounder can give dogs important nutrients, like protein and omega-3 fatty acids. However, as with any new food, it’s wise to introduce it gradually and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.

Can Dogs Eat Flounder Raw

No, dogs should not eat flounder raw. Feeding your dog raw fish, including flounder, is a practice with both advocates and opponents. Raw fish can harbor harmful bacteria and parasites, posing risks to your furry friend’s health.

Cooking flounder thoroughly not only kills these potential threats but also makes the nutrients more accessible for your dog’s digestion. Also, raw fish may have bones that can break apart or become choking risks.

To ensure your dog’s safety, always serve flounder fully cooked and boneless. This method lowers the risks and gives your dog a tasty, safe fish treat.

Fried Vs Baked Vs Broiled Flounder – Which is Better option for Dogs

Fried Flounder

Fried flounder isn’t the best option for your dog. The frying process often involves the use of unhealthy fats, such as trans fats and saturated fats, which can lead to obesity, pancreatitis, and digestive issues in dogs. 

Additionally, the breading and seasoning used in frying may contain additives, spices, or flavorings that can be harmful to dogs. These can upset their stomachs or even be toxic. So, it’s not a good idea to give your dog fried fish.

Baked Flounder

I’ve found that baking flounder is a healthier option compared to frying. When I bake flounder, it retains much of its nutritional value without the need for excessive fats, making it a better choice for my dog. I make sure to prepare the flounder plain, without seasonings or additives, to ensure it’s safe for my pup.

Baked flounder gives my dog lean protein, which is good for his muscles, and omega-3 fatty acids, which keep his coat shiny and help his general health. This dish seems to be a big hit with my dog, and I’m glad I know it’s good for them.

Broiled Flounder

Broiling is another excellent method for cooking flounder for your dog. It’s similar to baking but with direct heat from above, which gives the fish a delicious, slightly crispy texture without the need for added fats. 

Like baked flounder, broiled flounder should be served plain to prevent potential digestive upset from added seasonings or spices. This way of making fish keeps the fish’s health benefits and makes sure your dog can get the omega-3 fatty acids and lean protein it needs.

Benefits of Flounder for Dogs

Rich in Lean Protein 

Flounder is a fantastic source of lean protein, which is vital for your dog’s muscle development and maintenance. It provides the essential amino acids necessary for these processes.

A diet high in protein helps tissues heal, boosts the immune system, and makes your dog healthier generally. The lean nature of flounder makes it an excellent protein source, particularly for dogs aiming to maintain a healthy weight and muscle mass.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Flounder is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids have potent anti-inflammatory properties. They can reduce joint inflammation and discomfort, making them beneficial for dogs with arthritis or joint issues. 

Omega-3s also play a crucial role in promoting healthy skin and a glossy coat. They can alleviate itching, reduce dryness, and enhance overall skin condition, particularly in dogs prone to skin issues or allergies.

Low in Saturated Fat 

Flounder stands out as a heart-healthy protein source with only about 0.3 grams of saturated fat per 3.5-ounce serving. A diet low in saturated fat is vital for maintaining a healthy weight and minimizing the risk of obesity-related health problems in dogs, contributing to cardiovascular well-being [4].

Easily Digestible

Flounder is gentle on a dog’s digestive system. This is excellent news for dogs with sensitive stomachs or those prone to gastrointestinal issues. Its easy digestibility means it’s less likely to cause digestive upset or discomfort, making it a suitable choice for pets with specific dietary needs.


Flounder is nutrient-dense, offering significant amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. A serving contains roughly 13% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6, a substantial 140% of vitamin B12, about 7% of niacin, and approximately 37% of the daily recommended intake of selenium.

These nutrients support various aspects of your dog’s health, including energy metabolism, neurological function, and antioxidant protection.

Promotes Healthy Skin and Coat

The omega-3 fatty acids found in flounder are excellent for skin and coat health. They have anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate itching, reduce dry skin, and promote a shiny, lustrous coat. These fatty acids benefit dogs with skin conditions or allergies by reducing skin irritation and enhancing overall coat condition [3].

Supports Joint Health 

For dogs with joint problems or arthritis, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids can make a significant difference. They help reduce inflammation and discomfort in the joints, leading to improved mobility. By supporting joint health, flounder can help make your dog’s daily activities more comfortable and enjoyable.

How Much Flounder Can Dogs Eat?

Dog’s WeightMaximum Flounder ServingProtein (g)NutrientsCalories
5-10 poundsUp to 2 ounces (56 grams)17Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B12
11-25 poundsUp to 4 ounces (113 grams)34Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B12160
26-50 poundsUp to 6 ounces (170 grams)51Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B12240
51-75 poundsUp to 8 ounces (227 grams)68Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B12320
76+ poundsUp to 10 ounces (283 grams)85Omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B12400

What to do if my dog ate too many flounder?

Accidents can happen, and if your dog has indulged in an excessive amount of flounder, you may be concerned about their well-being. Here are the steps to take if your furry friend has consumed too much flounder:

Observe for Immediate Symptoms

Keep a close eye on your dog for any immediate signs of distress. Overeating can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, or an upset stomach. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, it’s essential to act promptly.

Get in touch with your veterinarian or an emergency pet helpline. They can provide guidance tailored to your dog’s specific situation and advise you on the best course of action. Be prepared to share details such as your dog’s weight, the quantity of flounder consumed, and any visible symptoms.

Follow Professional Advice

Based on your veterinarian’s recommendations, you may need to take your dog to the clinic for a thorough examination. They might induce vomiting or administer other treatments to alleviate any discomfort or potential health risks associated with overindulging in flounder.

Stay Calm and Supportive

While it’s concerning when your dog eats too much of something, remaining calm and supportive is crucial. Your pet can sense your emotions, and a comforting presence can make the situation less stressful for them.

What Can be the Risk of Flounder?


The presence of small, sharp bones in flounder poses a significant risk. If ingested, these bones can cause choking and lead to serious gastrointestinal issues. To mitigate this risk, it’s crucial to ensure that the flounder is bone-free before serving it to your dog. Always examine the fish carefully, removing any bones to guarantee your pet’s safety.

Seasonings and Preparation 

The seasonings and spices used in human cooking can be detrimental to dogs. Ingredients such as garlic and onions, commonly found in prepared dishes, can be toxic to pets. Hence, it’s vital to serve flounder plain, without any added seasonings, spices, or oils, to prevent potential harm.


Just as with any food, dogs can develop allergies to fish, including flounder. If you’re introducing flounder into your dog’s diet for the first time, be vigilant for any signs of an allergic reaction. These may include itching, rashes, digestive issues, or other unusual symptoms. If you notice any adverse reactions, it’s advisable to discontinue feeding flounder and consult your veterinarian.


Overindulgence in flounder can lead to digestive upset, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs. To avoid this risk, adhere to recommended portion sizes based on your dog’s weight and age. Moderation is key when including flounder in your pet’s diet to prevent overfeeding-related health problems.

Mercury Content 

While flounder typically contains lower levels of mercury than some other fish species, it’s important to remain cautious. High levels of mercury can be harmful to dogs, impacting their nervous system and overall health.

Limiting the frequency of feeding fish, including flounder, to your pet can help reduce their exposure to mercury and minimize associated health risks.

Signs of an Allergic Reaction to Flounder in Dogs

Itching and Skin Irritation

Allergic reactions often manifest with itching and skin irritation. Dogs may excessively scratch, bite, or lick their skin, leading to redness, hives, or rashes. It’s essential to monitor your pet for these symptoms, as chronic itching can lead to skin infections or open sores.

Digestive Upset

Digestive issues can be a clear indication of an allergic reaction to flounder. Dogs may vomit, experience diarrhea, or excessively drool after consuming the allergenic food. Such symptoms can cause discomfort and dehydration, making it crucial to seek veterinary attention.

Respiratory Distress

Severe allergic reactions can result in respiratory distress. Dogs may cough, wheeze, or struggle to breathe. If your dog exhibits these symptoms, it’s a critical emergency that requires immediate veterinary care to address the potential life-threatening nature of anaphylaxis.

Can Dog Eat Flounder Bones 

No, dogs should not eat flounder bones. While flounder is a nutritious option for dogs when prepared correctly, their delicate and easily splintered bones pose a risk of injury and gastrointestinal issues for your pet.

These bones can break into sharp fragments, leading to choking hazards, lacerations in the mouth, throat, or digestive tract, and the potential for internal damage. 

Although flounder bones are smaller compared to some other fish species, the risk remains present. To ensure your dog’s safety and well-being, it’s crucial to serve flounder without bones. 

Can dog eat Flounder Skin

Yes, dogs can consume flounder skin, and it can offer potential benefits as well as some risks. Flounder skin is not inherently harmful to dogs and provides a source of healthy fatty acids, which can contribute to a glossy coat and promote overall skin health.

These fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties that may prove advantageous for dogs dealing with conditions like allergies or arthritis. While flounder skin can enhance the nutritional value of the fish, it’s crucial to be mindful of the potential downsides.

The skin can be tough and challenging to digest, and excessive consumption may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, including diarrhea or an upset stomach.

Can Dogs Eat Flounder Fillet?

Yes, dogs can eat flounder filet when it’s properly prepared and bone-free. It can be a healthy addition to their diet. To put it in perspective, let’s compare the nutritional profile of flounder to a commonly known vegetable: spinach.

A 3.5-ounce serving of cooked flounder typically contains around 90 calories, 20 grams of protein, and approximately 1 gram of fat. In contrast, a 3.5-ounce serving of cooked spinach offers about 23 calories, 3 grams of protein, and nearly zero fat.

So, while both flounder and spinach have their own unique benefits, flounder stands out as an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids for your dog.

Other Safe fish Dogs Can Eat

  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Tilapia
  • Catfish
  • Pollock
  • Whitefish
Hira Saleem

Hira Saleem


Hira is a dedicated freelance writer specializing in health and nutrition, holding a degree in Food Science and Technology. Her expertise in the field stems from a profound commitment to promoting well-being. Inspired by her love for animals, Hira has cultivated a deep understanding of the importance of nutrition in fostering a healthy lifestyle.

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