Can Dog Eat Wild Rice
Dogs Diet

Can Dogs Eat Wild Rice

Hira Saleem

January 25, 2024 . 12 min read
Quick Answer:

Yes, dogs can eat wild rice, but it's essential to understand the nuances. Wild rice can be a nutritious addition to your dog's diet when prepared correctly. In the following paragraphs, we'll delve into the details of incorporating wild rice into your pet's meals.

As you cook up a pot of wild rice for your dinner, you might wonder, “Can dogs eat wild rice?” It’s not a typical item on the canine menu, but it’s a question that pet owners sometimes find themselves pondering. 

Wild rice, which is sometimes called “Indian rice,” is not really rice. It is the seed of a watery grass. It’s known for its nutty flavor, long grains, and high nutritional value. When added in moderation, this grain can be a healthy source of nutrients for dogs. Today, we’re going to talk about the pros and cons of giving yourself or your pet wild rice.

Black vs Brown Wild Rice – Which is a Better Option for Dogs

Brown Wild Rice

Brown wild rice is renowned for its rich, nutty flavor and its abundance of essential nutrients. This type of whole-grain rice still has its bran and germ, which makes it a better source of fiber than white rice.

Fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining your dog’s digestive health, promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation.

Additionally, brown wild rice is full of important minerals like manganese (2.3 milligrams per cup), phosphorus (328 milligrams per cup), and magnesium (177 milligrams per cup), all of which are good for your dog’s health in different ways.

Black Wild Rice

Black wild rice is another healthy option for dogs. It has a striking dark color and a slightly different taste. While its overall nutrient content is comparable to brown wild rice, it boasts a higher concentration of protein (7.4 grams per cup) and antioxidants.

These antioxidants help your dog’s body get rid of dangerous free radicals. This protects cells and may lower the risk of getting chronic diseases. Black wild rice also contains magnesium (140 milligrams per cup), phosphorus (302 milligrams per cup), and manganese (1.2 milligrams per cup), though in slightly lower quantities than brown wild rice.

Choosing the Right Rice for Your Dog

The decision between black and brown wild rice ultimately depends on your dog’s individual preferences and dietary needs. If your dog has a sensitive digestive system, brown wild rice may be a better choice due to its higher fiber content. Black wild rice, on the other hand, might be a better choice if your dog is very busy or needs more protein.

Is Wild Rice Easily Digestible by Dogs?

Wild rice, despite its nutritional benefits, can be harder to digest for dogs compared to other grains and rice varieties. Wild rice is a healthy whole grain, but it has a tough shell called the hull that is made up of cellulose and hemicellulose. This hull can be challenging for a dog’s digestive system to break down fully.

Additionally, wild rice has more dietary fiber than regular rice, which may cause stomach problems or pain in dogs that aren’t used to it. Diarrhea or loose stools may be potential side effects. It’s important to note that some dogs may tolerate wild rice better than others.

If you plan to introduce wild rice into your dog’s diet, it’s advisable to do so gradually and in moderation. Always keep an eye on your dog to see if it shows any signs of stomach problems or pain.

Benefits of Wild Rice for Dogs

Wild rice can offer several nutritional benefits to dogs. Here are some of the advantages:

Rich in Nutrients

Wild rice is a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamins like B vitamins, folate, and minerals like manganese and phosphorus. These nutrients support various bodily functions in dogs.

High in Fiber

Wild rice contains dietary fiber that can aid in digestion and regulate bowel movements. Fiber is important for gastrointestinal health.

Protein Content

Wild rice provides a moderate amount of plant-based protein. While dogs primarily require animal-based protein, plant protein can supplement their diet.

Low in Fat

Wild rice is relatively low in fat, making it a suitable choice for dogs that need a low-fat diet, especially if they have specific health conditions.


Unlike some grains, wild rice is gluten-free, making it a safe option for dogs with gluten sensitivities or allergies.


Wild rice contains antioxidants that can help protect the cells from oxidative stress, supporting overall health.

Weight Management

The fiber content in wild rice can help dogs feel full, aiding in weight management and preventing overeating.

How Much Wild Rice Should You Feed Your Dog?

Weight (lbs)Amount of Wild RiceNutritional ValueCalories
10-20½ cupHigh in fiber, protein, and essential minerals100
21-30½ cupModerate in fiber, protein, and essential minerals200
31-40¾ cupLow in fiber, protein, and essential minerals300
41-501 cupVery low in fiber, protein, and essential minerals400
51+1-1 ½ cupsExtremely low in fiber, protein, and essential minerals500

Can Dog Have Wild Rice With Different Diseases

Wild rice can be a part of a dog’s diet even when they have certain health conditions. Here’s how it can be included based on different diseases:


For dogs with diabetes, wild rice can be a better option than some other grains due to its low glycemic index. The slow-release energy from wild rice may help manage blood sugar levels. However, it should be part of an overall diabetic diet plan and portion-controlled.

Food Allergies

Dogs with food allergies or sensitivities might tolerate wild rice well because it’s a gluten-free grain. It can be an alternative to common allergenic grains like wheat.

Digestive Disorders

The moderate fiber content in wild rice can support dogs with certain digestive disorders by regulating bowel movements and promoting a healthy gut. It might help dogs who have irritable bowel syndrome.

Weight Management

Wild rice is a good choice for dogs that need to manage their weight due to its low-fat content and moderate fiber. It can help them feel full without eating too many calories.

Heart Disease

The low-fat and low-sodium nature of wild rice makes it a suitable option for dogs with heart conditions. Its antioxidants may also support heart health.


Even though antioxidants and nutrients in wild rice can’t cure cancer on their own, they can help dogs’ general health and well-being, which is very important for dogs who are getting treatment for cancer.

Can Diabetic Dogs Eat Wild Rice?

Yes, diabetic dogs can eat wild rice in small amounts as part of a healthy diet. Wild rice has a low glycemic index, which means it releases glucose into the bloodstream more slowly, helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

This slow release of energy can be good for diabetic dogs because it keeps their blood sugar from going up and down quickly. However, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist to create a specific dietary plan for your diabetic dog.

You should figure out how much and how often to give your dog wild rice based on their specific needs and how they react to it. Monitoring blood glucose levels and overall health is crucial when introducing any new food to a diabetic dog’s diet.

Can Dogs Eat Wild Brown Rice For Kidney Failure

Feeding wild brown rice to dogs with kidney failure can be a consideration, but it must be done under the guidance of a veterinarian. Dogs with kidney issues often require a diet that is low in certain nutrients like phosphorus and protein. Wild brown rice is generally lower in phosphorus compared to other grains, making it an option for dogs with kidney failure.

But it should be a part of a complete plan for what to eat. It’s essential to consult with your vet to create a customized diet tailored to your dog’s specific needs and stage of kidney disease. To best support your dog’s kidney health, they may suggest a mix of different low-phosphorus foods, like wild brown rice, along with other treatment methods.

Can Dogs be Allergic to Wild Rice?

While it’s relatively rare for dogs to be allergic to wild rice, it’s not entirely impossible. Allergic reactions in dogs can vary from mild to severe and may include symptoms such as skin irritation, itching, gastrointestinal issues, or respiratory problems.

The prevalence of wild rice allergies is not well-documented in dogs, and there isn’t an abundance of data available. However, it’s crucial to remember that individual dogs can have unique sensitivities or allergies to specific food items. Allergies can develop to any ingredient, including rice.

Can Dogs Eat These Wild Rice Recipes

Can Dogs Eat Wild Rice Soup?

Wild rice soup is a dish that often contains a variety of ingredients, and the suitability of these ingredients for dogs can vary. While plain, cooked wild rice in small amounts can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet, it’s essential to be cautious when serving wild rice soup, as many recipes include ingredients like onions, garlic, spices, and even cream, which can be harmful or difficult for dogs to digest.

If you want to share some wild rice soup with your dog, ensure that it contains only dog-safe ingredients. Opt for a mild, bland version without any potentially harmful additives or seasonings. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing new foods to your dog’s diet, as individual sensitivities and dietary restrictions can vary among dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Wild Rice Blend?

Most of the time, a wild rice blend is made up of both wild rice and other types of rice, like white or brown rice. Whether dogs can eat a wild rice blend depends on the specific ingredients and the preparation. Dogs can eat small amounts of plain, cooked wild rice without getting sick, but it’s important to check the other ingredients in the mix.

If the blend contains only plain, cooked wild rice without any harmful seasonings or additives, it may be suitable for dogs in moderation. But it’s important to stay away from mixes that have onions, garlic, spices, or too much salt, as these can be bad for dogs.

What Other type of rice is best for dogs?

When it comes to selecting the best type of rice for dogs, it’s important to consider their nutritional needs and digestive capabilities. While wild rice can be a healthy choice in moderation, other types of rice are also suitable for dogs. Some of the best options include:

Brown Rice: Brown rice is a highly digestible and nutritious choice for dogs. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The fiber content aids in digestion, making it an excellent option for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

White Rice: White rice is easily digestible and can be used when a dog has an upset stomach or diarrhea. It’s a bland food that helps soothe the digestive system.

Basmati Rice: Basmati rice is a fragrant, long-grain rice that can be a good choice for dogs. It has a lower glycemic index compared to some other types of rice, which can be beneficial for dogs with diabetes.

Jasmine Rice: Jasmine rice is another aromatic rice that dogs can consume. Like basmati rice, it’s a low to medium glycemic index option.

What Kind of Rice can dogs not eat?

While many types of rice are safe and even beneficial for dogs, some varieties should be avoided due to potential health risks. Here are the types of rice that dogs should not eat:

Wild Rice Blends with Seasonings

Dogs should not eat wild rice mixes that have seasonings, herbs, or spices in them, especially ones that are high in sodium. Excessive salt and certain seasonings can be harmful to their health. It’s essential to provide plain, unseasoned wild rice for dogs.

Processed Rice Dishes

Pre-packaged or processed rice dishes, such as rice pilaf or seasoned rice mixes, should be avoided. These products often contain additives, flavorings, and high salt levels that can be harmful to dogs.

Rice with Garlic and Onions

Any rice dish that contains garlic or onions is dangerous for dogs. These ingredients are toxic to canines and can cause damage to their red blood cells.

Fried Rice

Fried rice typically contains soy sauce, which is high in sodium. Additionally, the oil and seasonings used in fried rice can be problematic for dogs. Some of the ways that fried rice is made can make it a bad choice.

Sweet Rice Dishes

Rice dishes that are sweetened or made with sugary sauces are not ideal for dogs. Excessive sugar can lead to obesity and dental problems.

Wrapping It Up

Wild rice can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet when prepared and served appropriately. It provides essential nutrients and can be beneficial for dogs, especially those with specific dietary requirements.

However, it’s crucial to avoid certain rice dishes and varieties that may contain harmful ingredients like seasonings, spices, or excessive sodium. Always choose plain, unseasoned wild rice to ensure your dog’s safety and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat long grain and wild rice?

Yes, dogs can eat long-grain and wild rice. These rice varieties are generally safe and nutritious for dogs when prepared plain and without added seasonings or spices. They provide carbohydrates, fiber, and some essential nutrients. However, always serve rice in moderation and consult with your veterinarian to ensure it complements your dog’s diet without causing any issues.

Can dog eat wild rice everyday?

Feeding your dog wild rice every day may not be necessary or recommended. While wild rice can be a healthy addition to their diet occasionally, a balanced diet with a variety of foods is essential for their overall health. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best feeding schedule and portion sizes for your dog based on their specific needs.

Will wild rice bind dogs?

Wild rice is not known to bind dogs, and it can be a part of a healthy diet for most dogs when served in moderation. However, as with any dietary changes, introducing wild rice should be done gradually to monitor your dog’s digestive response. If you notice any digestive issues, consult your veterinarian.

Hira Saleem

Hira Saleem


Hira is a dedicated freelance writer specializing in health and nutrition, holding a degree in Food Science and Technology. Her expertise in the field stems from a profound commitment to promoting well-being. Inspired by her love for animals, Hira has cultivated a deep understanding of the importance of nutrition in fostering a healthy lifestyle.

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