Can Dogs Eat Pigs Feet
Dogs Diet

Can Dogs Eat Pigs Feet

Hira Saleem

January 25, 2024 . 15 min read
Quick Answer:

Yes, dogs can safely eat pig's feet, but with certain considerations. Pig's feet, also known as pork trotters, can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your canine companion when prepared and served appropriately. In the next paragraph, we'll explore what pig's feet are and the nutritional aspects of this food.

A new dish called Pig’s Feet has been added to the dog food menu. We, as pet enthusiasts, often find ourselves pondering if our furry pals can partake in the savory world of this unusual treat. So, the big question is: Can dogs enjoy the unique taste of pig’s feet without any problems? Dogs can safely consume pig’s feet, also known as pork trotters, as part of their diet.

These tasty morsels can provide a flavorful and nutrient-rich addition to your dog’s meals. But there are some important things you need to know to make sure that giving your dog pig’s feet is safe and good for it. We’ll get into the basics, talking about how healthy pig’s feet are and whether they can help dogs.

Raw Vs Cooked Pig Feet for dogs

When contemplating whether to include pig’s feet in your dog’s diet, the choice between raw and cooked options poses a significant decision. Raw pig’s feet have the advantage of preserving a higher amount of natural nutrients, encompassing essential vitamins and minerals. But during the cooking process, some of these important parts might be lost.

This consideration emphasizes the importance of aligning your choice with your dog’s specific dietary requirements and preferences. On the contrary, opting for cooked pig’s feet addresses potential bacterial risks linked to the consumption of raw meat. The cooking process effectively eliminates these risks, offering a safer option for your furry friend.

Also, the bones in cooked pig’s feet tend to soften, making it less likely that they will break, which is a problem that often happens when you eat raw bones. As you navigate this decision, consider your dog’s individual needs and any existing health considerations.

Tailor your choice based on factors such as your dog’s dietary preferences, digestive sensitivities, and overall health condition. It’s crucial to strike a balance between nutritional benefits and safety. Also, to avoid health risks as much as possible, only buy pig’s feet from respected and trustworthy sellers.

Potential Benefits of Feeding Pig Feet to Dogs 

Feeding pig’s feet to dogs can offer several potential benefits, provided it’s done in moderation and with careful consideration. Here are some of the main benefits, backed up by facts from reliable sources:

Nutrient Boost

Pig’s feet are a nutritional powerhouse, loaded with essential goodies like protein, calcium, phosphorus, and collagen. Your dog will get a lot of important nutrients from these tasty treats, which are good for their health and help keep their bones strong. With a good amount of protein, pig’s feet can cover about 20% of your dog’s daily protein needs.

Happy Teeth

Chomping on pig’s feet, whether they’re raw or cooked, does wonders for dental health. Studies show that it can significantly cut down on plaque buildup, reducing the chances of dental issues. Your dog’s gums will stay healthy because of the natural chewing action. This will make a big difference in his mouth health.

Joint Support

If your dog deals with joint problems, pig’s feet can be a natural ally. The collagen they contain is linked to keeping joints healthy and might even ease arthritis symptoms. Adding pig’s feet to your dog’s food can help their joints in a number of ways. The effects can be different for each dog, but many owners report good results.

Healthy Skin and Shiny Coats

The collagen and nutrients in pig’s feet aren’t just good for the insides; they can also do wonders for your dog’s outer appearance. Adding these treats to their diet might lead to healthier skin and a shinier coat, making your furry friend look even more fabulous.

Happy Tummies

Pig’s feet can help your dog’s digestive system because they contain gelatin. Regular munching on these treats may improve digestion and provide a soothing effect on the digestive tract, promoting overall gut health.

Diet Variety

Spice up your dog’s meals by throwing in some pig’s feet. The different tastes and flavors not only make mealtime more interesting but also break the routine of regular kibble or canned food. By giving your dog some pig’s feet, you’re giving it a more varied and enjoyable meal.

How To Prepare Pigs Feet For Dogs?

Make sure the proper preparation of pig’s feet for your dog is essential to provide a safe and healthy treat. Here’s a guide on how to do it, supported by data from authoritative sources:

Select High-Quality Meat: Choose fresh, high-quality pig’s feet from a reputable source. It’s important that the meat doesn’t have any spices, additives, or preservatives that are bad for dogs.

Inspect for Bones: Before cooking, check for small bones or bone fragments. Remove these as they can pose a choking hazard or cause digestive issues. This step is crucial to prevent any harm to your dog.

Cooking Methods: Two popular ways to cook pig’s feet for dogs are to boil them or bake them.

Boiling: Place the pig’s feet in a pot, cover them with water, and bring it to a boil. Simmer for 1-2 hours until the meat is thoroughly cooked. This method softens the bones and makes the treat safer for your dog.

Baking: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Place the pig’s feet on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes to an hour until they are fully cooked. 

Cool and Serve: Allow the pig’s feet to cool completely before serving them to your dog. The cooling process also solidifies the gelatin, which can be soothing for the digestive tract.

Portion Control: Give your dog a small amount of pig’s feet based on its size. Small dogs should receive smaller portions, while larger dogs can have slightly more.

Supervision: Always supervise your dog while they enjoy pig’s feet to prevent choking and ensure they don’t consume too much at once.

Storage: If you have leftovers, store them in the refrigerator for up to three days. Discard any remaining pig’s feet after this period.

How Much Pig Feet Can Dog Have?

Determining the appropriate serving size of pig’s feet for your dog is essential to prevent overconsumption. Here’s a guideline based on dog size and the recommended portion:

Dog SizeRecommended PortionNutrients IntakeCalories
Small Breeds1-2 small pig’s feet12.5-25 grams protein100-200
Medium Breeds2-4 pig’s feet25-50 grams protein200-400
Large Breeds4-6 pig’s feet50-75 grams protein400-600

The recommended portions ensure your dog benefits from the nutrients in the pig’s feet without compromising their overall diet. Watch your dog while they eat this treat to make sure they don’t choke and to see how well they can handle pig’s feet.

What are the Risks & Allergic Reaction & Their Signs in Dogs After Eating Pig Feet

Feeding pig’s feet to dogs, while offering potential benefits, also carries certain risks. It’s crucial to be aware of potential allergic reactions and signs of distress in dogs after consumption. Here are the key risks and signs to watch for:

Choking Hazard

Pig’s feet can present a choking hazard, especially if they contain small bones or bone fragments. Choking is a significant risk, so always supervise your dog while they enjoy this treat.

Gastrointestinal Upset

Overindulgence in pig’s feet can lead to digestive issues, including upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. If your dog has these signs, it may have had too much.

Allergic Reactions

While rare, dogs can have allergic reactions to certain proteins in pig’s feet. Signs of an allergic reaction may include hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis.

Pancreatitis Risk

Pig feet are high in fat, which could trigger pancreatitis in some dogs. This situation can be very bad and needs to be treated right away by a vet. Signs include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and abdominal pain.

Dental Problems

The hardness of bones and pig’s feet can lead to dental issues like cracked teeth. Check your dog’s teeth for any damage after they’ve consumed pig’s feet. If you notice any adverse reactions or signs of distress in your dog after consuming pig’s feet, contact your veterinarian immediately.

To make sure your dog is safe and healthy, you should keep a close eye on them while they eat the pig’s feet and afterward.

Can Dog Eat Differently Prepared Forms of Pig Feet

When it comes to feeding your dog pig’s feet, there are various forms and preparations to consider. While they all have their nuances, it’s essential to understand the differences and potential benefits or drawbacks of each:

Boiled Pigs Feet

Boiled pig’s feet are often a safer option for dogs, as they reduce the risk of choking on small bones or bone fragments. When you boil bones, they can get softer and easier to digest.

Baked or Roasted Pigs Feet

Baking or roasting pig’s feet is another popular preparation method. However, it doesn’t eliminate the risk of hard bones and potential choking hazards.

Dehydrated or Dried Pigs Feet

Dehydrated pig’s feet can be a safer choice, as they remove moisture and make the bones brittle. However, this doesn’t eliminate the risk entirely, so supervision is still necessary.

Commercially Prepared Treats

Some pet stores offer commercially prepared pig’s feet treats, often processed to reduce choking hazards. Always choose high-quality, trusted brands to ensure your dog’s safety.

Home-Cooked Pig Feet

Preparing pig’s feet at home allows you to control the cooking process. You can choose to boil, bake, or dehydrate them based on your dog’s preferences and dietary needs.

Can Dogs Eat Boiled Pigs Feet?

It may be safer for dogs to eat boiled pig’s feet than other ways of cooking them. The process of boiling helps soften the bones, reducing the risk of choking or splintering. For dog owners who want to give their pets the benefits of pig’s feet while reducing risks, this is the best way to do it.

When you boil a pig’s feet, the bones become less brittle and more digestible. This can be especially important for smaller dog breeds or those with sensitive digestive systems. However, it’s crucial to ensure the pig’s feet are thoroughly cooked to eliminate any harmful bacteria.

While boiled pig’s feet can be a safer choice, it’s essential to remember that individual dogs may have varying preferences and tolerance levels. When giving your dog a new treat or food, you should always keep an eye on them. You can also talk to your vet about the best way to feed your dog based on its special needs.

Can Dogs Eat Baked Pigs Feet?

Baked pig’s feet can be a delicious treat for dogs, but it’s important to approach them with caution. The baking process can make the bones more brittle, which increases the risk of splintering and potential harm to your dog. As a responsible pet owner, you should be aware of these risks and take precautions when offering baked pig’s feet.

Make sure the bones are always fully cooked, and never give your dog big or sharp bone pieces because they can choke on them. Smaller or more fragile dog types may be more at risk, so think about what your dog likes to chew on and its size.

Can Dogs Eat Smoked Pigs Feet?

The smoking process often involves the use of salt and various seasonings that can be harmful to dogs in excess. Furthermore, the bones can become brittle from the smoking process, increasing the risk of splintering, which may pose a choking hazard or lead to digestive issues.

Feeding smoked pig’s feet to your dog should be done sparingly and with great caution. Small and delicate dog breeds are more susceptible to the dangers of brittle bones, so always consider your dog’s size and chewing habits. Ensure the bones are cooked well and monitor your dog closely while they enjoy this treat.

Can Dogs Eat Pickled Pigs Feet?

Pickled pig’s feet are a treat that some people like, but they are not at all fun for dogs. Pickling involves preserving food in a solution that typically contains salt and vinegar. When used in large amounts, these ingredients can be bad for dogs. Excessive salt intake can lead to salt poisoning in dogs, while vinegar is highly acidic and can upset their stomach.

Because it could be bad for their health, you shouldn’t feed your dog pickled pig’s feet. Even a small amount can be problematic, especially for small or sensitive dogs. If your dog eats a small piece by chance, keep an eye on them for signs of stomach trouble, like vomiting and diarrhea.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Pigs Feet?

Feeding frozen pig’s feet to your dog can be risky. Freezing does not eliminate the potential dangers associated with pig’s feet, such as the high-fat content and the risk of splintering bones. While freezing may reduce the likelihood of spoilage, it doesn’t address the health concerns related to this treatment.

Dogs with sensitive guts or those who are likely to get pancreatitis should avoid the fat in frozen pig’s feet. The bones can still pose a choking hazard or dental issues when frozen, especially if your dog tries to chew on them.

Can Dogs Chew On Pig Feet

While it’s true that dogs enjoy chewing, pig’s feet are not the ideal choice for a satisfying chew toy. These treats are often dense and hard, which can put your dog’s dental health at risk. Because pig’s feet are so hard, they can break or crack teeth, which can be painful and lead to other tooth problems.

Additionally, a pig’s feet may splinter, which can be hazardous when swallowed. The small bone fragments can lead to choking or internal injuries. It’s important to put your dog’s oral health first by giving them safer, carefully made chews that clean their teeth without these risks.

Can Dogs Eat Dehydrated Pigs Feet

Dehydrated pig’s feet are another option to consider for your dog’s chewing enjoyment. However, there are potential concerns with this threat. Even though the bones can become brittle when they dry out, the thick texture of the pig’s feet can still be bad for your dog’s teeth. Chewing on a dehydrated pig’s feet can lead to cracked or fractured teeth, which is painful for your furry friend and may require veterinary care.

Also, like other hard treats, dried pig’s feet can break apart when chewed, which can cause choking or internal injuries if eaten. To prioritize your dog’s oral health and safety, it’s recommended to opt for alternative dog chews designed specifically for dental care. These were made to be a safe and effective way for your dog to meet their natural urge to chew while also keeping their teeth clean.

Other Parts of Pig That Dog Can Eat

While pig’s feet may have their risks, there are other parts of a pig that dogs can safely enjoy in moderation. These include:

  • Pork Meat: Lean cuts of cooked pork, with bones removed, can be a tasty and protein-rich treat for dogs. Pork tenderloin, for example, is a popular choice. It should be thoroughly cooked to kill any harmful bacteria that can affect your dog’s digestive system.
  • Pork Liver: Pork liver is nutrient-dense and provides essential vitamins and minerals. When cooked and served in small amounts, it can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet.
  • Pork Kidney: Like liver, pork kidney is a source of valuable nutrients. However, it should be served in moderation to avoid overloading your dog’s system with certain minerals.
  • Pork Heart: Pork heart is lean and protein-packed. When cooked and cut into small portions, it can be a delicious treat for your dog.


Feeding pig’s feet to your dog should be approached with caution due to potential health risks. While they may provide some nutritional benefits, such as protein and certain vitamins, the risks of bacterial contamination and potential digestive issues should not be overlooked.

To get rid of dangerous bacteria, it’s important to make sure that the pig’s feet are cooked all the way through and to only eat them in small amounts. Additionally, it is recommended that you talk to your vet about the best food options for your dog’s unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat pig feet bones?

Feeding your dog pig feet bones is not advisable. Pig feet bones can splinter easily, posing a choking hazard or causing internal injuries if ingested. The risk of bone fragments causing harm to your dog’s digestive tract is significant. To ensure your dog’s safety, it’s best to avoid offering them pig feet bones altogether. Opt for safer dog-friendly treats and toys to satisfy their chewing instincts.

Can dogs eat pig feet meat?

Yes, dogs can safely enjoy cooked, boneless pig feet meat as an occasional treat. It’s essential to ensure that the meat is thoroughly cooked, devoid of bones, and free from seasonings or additives that could be harmful to dogs. Offer pig feet meat in moderation and as part of a balanced diet to avoid any potential digestive upsets.

Can puppies eat pig trotters?

Feeding puppies pig trotters should be done cautiously. While a small amount of well-cooked and boneless pig trotter meat can be offered as an occasional treat, it’s crucial to ensure that there are no bones or seasonings. Consult your vet for guidance on safely introducing pig trotters into your puppy’s diet to avoid potential health risks.

How long does it take to bake pigs feet for my dog?

Baking pig’s feet for your dog depends on the size and cooking method. For small pig’s feet, you can bake them at 350°F (175°C) for about 30-40 minutes. Larger pig’s feet may require more time. Always ensure they are thoroughly cooked, free of seasonings, and cooled before serving to your canine companion to prevent digestive issues.

Is there a recall on pig feet for dogs?

However, recalls can occur due to various reasons, so it’s crucial to stay informed. To ensure the safety of your pet, regularly check the FDA and pet food recall websites for any updates on recalls related to pig feet or any other pet products. Staying informed about pet food recalls is essential to keep your dog healthy and safe.

Hira Saleem

Hira Saleem


Hira is a dedicated freelance writer specializing in health and nutrition, holding a degree in Food Science and Technology. Her expertise in the field stems from a profound commitment to promoting well-being. Inspired by her love for animals, Hira has cultivated a deep understanding of the importance of nutrition in fostering a healthy lifestyle.

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